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If you are unhappy with the shape or size of your nose or have suffered trauma to your nose, a rhinoplasty can correct and improve your nose to be more balanced and harmonious with your overall appearance.


What is Rhinoplasty?

Also called a “nose job,” rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that corrects or resizes a large, small, or misshapen nose to bring it more in line with the other features of your face and make it less noticeable.



For many rhinoplasties, people typically spend a lot of time thinking about having this procedure. Rhinoplasty offers the following benefits:Reshapes a nose that has a bump or bend

  • Corrects flared nostrils

  • Improves breathing

  • Corrects the size whether too large or small

  • Repairs a broken or injured nose


The recovery process from rhinoplasty takes several weeks to complete depending on the extent of the procedure. During the first week, the nose is packed and splinted to allow the initial healing to take place. It is so important to avoid sneezing, if possible, and anything other direct impact on the nose. Ice packs are useful to relieve discomfort.

Once the packing and stitches are removed, patients may return to light activities and work; however, strenuous activities including exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks. The full recovery from rhinoplasty takes several weeks.


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