


A brow lift is a plastic surgery procedure that raises the eyebrows and eliminates fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead. It also diminishes or erases furrowed brows. The goal is to create a more relaxed appearance that looks rejuvenated without looking surprised.


What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift, also called a forehead lift, is a plastic surgery procedure that raises the eyebrows and eliminates fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead. It also diminishes or erases furrowed brows that give off an angry expression. The goal is to create a more relaxed appearance that looks rejuvenated without looking surprised.

There are several methods for performing an eyebrow lift. They consist of endoscopic (minimally invasive), open approach (making incisions either just behind the hairline or within the hair itself), or direct approach.


  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: The endoscopic brow lift is probably the most frequently utilized approach. It uses multiple, small incisions made behind the hairline. Mostly younger people with congenital, or early aging brow sagging, and mild forehead lines and wrinkles elect this method.

  • Open Brow Lift: This method, also called a trichophytic or coronal lift, is the most effective and long lasting brow (forehead) lift. An incision is made just behind the hairline or within the hair to conceal any scarring although most scarring fades dramatically. Those undergoing an open brow lift have significant brow hanging and marked wrinkles and forehead lines.

  • Direct Brow Lift: This method is very safe and straightforward with the incisions made just above the eyebrows. It is performed almost exclusively on males, as full eyebrows are helpful to camouflage the incision.


The healing and recovery process varies based on the method used to perform the brow lift. Endoscopic brow lifts often involve slight numbness as well as minor swelling and discomfort around the incision sites for the first few days. This is easily managed with over-the-counter pain medications. Any sutures used to close the incisions are removed within the first week.

More invasive brow lifts (open and direct approaches) take a bit longer for recovery since they are more invasive. To minimize swelling, it is best to keep the area wrapped, and the head elevated even when sleeping for the first few days. Sutures are usually removed within about two weeks. There may be some swelling around the eyes and cheeks that diminishes within a couple of weeks. We suggest that patients plan to take one to two weeks off work for healing and recovery. At that point, any bruising or redness may be camouflaged with makeup.


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