


With age, the skin hangs and creates a “waddle” that may require a surgical procedure to correct and tighten the skin in the area. A micro neck lift is performed on people who have lost a significant amount of weight or endure decreased amounts of elasticity in the lower portion of their face and neckline.


What is a Micro Neck Lift?

When people get older, the skin hangs and creates a “waddle” or turkey neck that may require a surgical procedure to correct and tighten the skin in the area. A micro neck lift is performed on people who have lost a significant amount of weight or endure decreased amounts of elasticity in the lower portion of their face and neckline. Because it is much less invasive than a neck lift, it is often preferred and even performed in conjunction with other procedures to develop a more defined jaw and neckline as well as create a younger appearance.



Micro neck lifts are chosen by those who want a more contoured neck and jawline but do not want to endure long recoveries. They also provide the following benefits:

  • Less invasive than a traditional neck lift

  • Shorter recovery

  • Bruising, swelling, and scarring minimal and easily concealed

  • Relatively shorter procedure


After the procedure is done and you are allowed to leave, it is important that someone stay with you for the first 24 hours until the anesthesia has completely worn off. Although the pain and discomfort are much less than with a traditional neck lift, there may be some that is easily treated with pain medications. Bruising and swelling are also decreased but still require some downtime to allow them to diminish. You can expect to spend a week away from work and other daily activities as well as several weeks off from any strenuous activities or heaving lifting.


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