Woman Shares Warning With Others After Her Persistent Pimple Winds Up Being Skin Cancer

Have you ever had a pesky pimple that just wouldn't go away, no matter what you did? Virtually all of us have dealt with this common dermatological issue. But in Cailin's case, the "pimple-like lesion" on the side of her nose ended up being something far more dangerous than a simple zit.

The young woman recently appeared on The Doctors to share her story. According to Cailin, in August 2016, she had a spot on her face that would bleed, scab over, disappear, and then return. Despite initially thinking it was nothing more than a pimple, she had a gut feeling that she should seek a medical professional's advice — and it's a good thing she did.


VIEW MORE: https://littlethings.com/lifestyle/pimple-skin-cancer-warning


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