Dr Kian with NoseTune Patient




A NoseTune® Rhinoplasty is an approach by Dr. Kian to ‘create the best version of one’s nose’ through rhinoplasty procedure. Enhancing the unique characteristics of a nose with subtle refinement can yield significant improvement. Many of our patients want minimal changes to the nasal structure that will enhance their overall appearance without dramatically changing or altering how they look. ‘NoseTune’ Rhinoplasty patients often report very few, if any, friends or family who are aware of their subtle surgical enhancements.


NoseTune® Rhinoplasty is customized approach to improving an individual’s nasal structure. While this is different for each person and their goals, NoseTune Rhinoplasty may offer the following benefits:

  • Reshapes a nose that has a bump or bend

  • Improve Nostril Margins & Size

  • Tip Elevation

  • Bump Reduction

  • Improving Narrowness or Wideness


The recovery process from NoseTune Rhinoplasty takes several weeks to complete depending on the extent of the procedure. During the first week, a cast is placed on the bridge of the nose to allow the initial healing to take place. It is so important to avoid sneezing, if possible, and anything other direct impact on the nose. Ice packs are useful to relieve discomfort.

Once the cast is removed, patients may return to light activities and work; however, strenuous activities including exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks. The full recovery from rhinoplasty takes several weeks.