


Chin augmentation gives those with an underdeveloped chin more balance to their facial features. This procedure may involve either a fat transfer or dermal filler.


What is a Chin Augmentation?

A chin augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure using implants or fat transfer to provide structure to the chin and provide a more prominent jawline. Chin augmentation using facial implants or fat transfer is a permanent solution to change one’s appearance. When using fat, the procedure involves harvesting the fat from another area of the body using liposuction. Once it is injected into the area of the chin, it is molded and shaped to give the chin more definition. As an alternative, chin augmentation may also involve dermal filler.



Chin augmentation, or chin implants, gives more structure to a weak-looking face. It also offers the following benefits:

  • Strong jawline

  • Proportionate facial features

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Stronger profile

  • Results are permanent


  • Implant

  • Filler

  • Fat Transfer


Chin implantation recovery is minimal with most patients returning to work within a week or so. Stitches are typically removed after about four or five days. Since the incision is under the chin, it is not very noticeable.

We recommend you take a few days off work and responsibilities to rest and allow your incision and chin to heal. We also suggest you eat soft foods for the first few days as the chin and jawline may be sore. Any discomfort or soreness is easily managed with over the counter medications.

Any swelling and bruising typically fades away within about two weeks. At that point, you can go back to your normal routine; however, we recommend you avoid any contact sports or anything that may have a direct impact on your new chin for about eight weeks.


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